Home Announcements Syllabus Essays Assignment
Write Place

Writing to Get Started

We will begin the semester with a series of writing assignments to get us started in the course. These pieces of writing are meant to be exploratory and engaging. At the end of these series of assignments, you will compile these writings into a collection that you will turn in for a grade. My emphasis here is not on form or correctness but on inquiry and meaning, so I urge you to write openly and freely. Have fun.

As we write these assignments, you will turn them in to be read by your peers. Each writing piece must be saved on a memory stick or flash drive in MSWord or as a RTF file. To complete the assignment, you will review/revise these writing pieces and collect them into a single text to be turn in as a collection (sort of like a book).

Writing Piece #1: Who Am I? Describing your self.


Due 8/26

Write a description of your self for your peers. Include things like a general description of your appearance, your interests, any interesting facts, educational goals.

Feel free to be funny in this description. Also, don't feel like you have to reveal personal details about your self. You will post this description also as your "Profile" inside Moodle. Approx. 200 words.

Writing Piece #2: Fable 3


Due 8/31

Write a last fable with new imaginative characters and setting. This fable should have two morals. Have FUN! See Fable Basics for a review.

Writing Piece #3: Speaking vs. Writing


Pre- 8/26

Due 8/31

Prewriting Exercise--done with partners in-class
Speaking: With a partner, take turns describing how you got to campus today. Provide details about locations and any occurances along the way. (5 minutes each)
Writing: Now turn to computer or paper, and write out this same description of how you got to campus. Try to be as detailed in writing as you were in speaking--perhaps even more. (10 minutes)

What was different for you between speaking this description and writing it? Which was easier or harder for you--why? From this experience, what conclusions and statements can you make about the difference between speaking and writing for communicating? Can it lead you to make statements about the essential nature of speaking and writing? (10 minutes 1st draft done in class)

Revised Version Guidance:
Before expanding and revising your own piece, read the WP#3s of your peers. Make note of particularly interesting insights and conclusions you read. Your final version should make reference to at least two views expressed by your peers by name and two from the Janet Emig article or the one written by me ("What is Academic Writing?")(you can quote them or paraphrase their idea). Include your commentary/reaction to each view. Total FOUR views of others that you incorporate into your own discussion. Articles found from our class announcements page.

Posting: You will post your WP#3 Revised in The Write Place. They should be roughly twice as long as the 1st draft. WP#3 is NOT the initial description of getting to campus.

Writing Piece #4: What We Value as Readers



Due 9/2

All of us are readers. All of us are also picky readers. We know when we like something we read because we keep reading. But what keeps you reading? What are your values as a reader? Describe the qualities and features of writing that you value when you read. I'm not talking here about "genres" or kinds of texts you like to read (like mysteries or non-fiction or magazines) but the things the writer is doing with their words, sentences, paragraphs, and even document design that you like as a reader--that keeps you reading. These features might be things like you value a writer who makes their point clearly, or who uses good description, or who uses a certain level of vocabulary.

I recommend that before you write this piece that you find a piece of writing you like and read it and watch yourself as a reader as well as what the writer is doing. This piece should be 200 words minimum.

Writing Piece #5: What We Strive To Do As Writers.


(draft done in-class)

(We will do a draft of this piece as an in-class activity.)

We have spent some time thinking about what readers want--what they value. Now I want you to see a piece of writing from the perspective of the writer. Based upon what you now understand a reader values, what should you do as a writer?

This piece should be 250 words minimum.

Total Collection Due 9/7

Create a collection containing Writing Pieces #1-5. These writing pieces should be revised and improved in any way you feel appropriate. Try especially to communicate what you mean in the best and fullest way that you can. To make this more "book"-like, please include
--A Cover Page with a Title, our course number, the date, and your name
--A Short preface to the reader

--A Table of Contents
--Each Writing piece should have its own Title and be on a fresh page (hit Insert>>Break>>Page Break to set these new pages).
--Numbered pages
(Collections missing any of these elements could lose up to -10 points from the grade.)

This collection will counts for 10% of your course grade, and will be graded based on your effort and your engagement with the assignment. I will still look for a polished finished product, but what this project means to you and the kind of meanings you arrive at from this set of writings is even more important to me.

Late collections lose ten points and must be turned in by 9/14 or they receive no credit.



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