INRW 0420
L. Lennie Irvin, San Antonio College
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Class Announcements INRW 0420 MW & TR classes.....................

Be sure to scroll down to see past announcements

Class Announcement 5/6 & 5/7

Today we will have our Sunnyville ISD Board Meeting where we will hear arguments on what to do about the issue of The Education of Little Tree's placement on the 10th grade reading list.

We will turn in BOTH a PRINT copy and an electronic copy of this Final essay.

--Last Essays lose -10 points and must be turned in within a week or the grade is a zero.

After we turn in the Essays, we will discuss the Final Exam/Final Portfolio.

Description of the Final Portfolio

Final Portfolio and Exam (worth 40% of your grade)

You will turn in a collection of your work in the form of a portfolio at the end of the semester.  This portfolio is your final exam. The graded portion of the portfolio will be

1) one revised essay
You choose one essay from essay #1-3 to revise. This revision must take into account the feedback provided as well as the entire class learning we have done this semester. Bring the print and electronic copy of this finished revision to the final exam, along with the copy of the originally-graded essay with my feedback.

2) a final essay based upon a reading that you write during the final exam
This essay will be an argument/persuasuion essay. You will be expected to engage in close reading and thinking about the subject before the exam, reading the selection I provide for you. I will give you the reading during our last class meeting. (IF you miss class, you must get this reading from me.)

3) a special writing piece about your own reading and writing and your growth as a reader and writer
This will be a self-evaluative, reflective piece about your experience and learning this semester that you will write during the Final Exam time.

Portfolios are due at the final exam time. 

How to Prepare for the Final Exam

  1. Pick the essay you wish to revise and revise it as best you can. Bring the revised version to the exam to turn in.
  2. Read and selection provided to you in our last class meeting closely. Follow these suggestions for preparing for this in-class essay.

    Preparation for the Final Exam In-Class Essay:
    You will not know the actual writing topic, but you can prepare by

    --Reading and re-read this reading “closely” following our reading and annotating strategies
    --Summarizing and create notes of significant information from this reading
    --Freewriting some of your reactions and thoughts on the subject
    --Taking notes and identify personal opinions and specific personal experiences related to the subject

    NOTE: I DO NOT want you to do research beyond what is discussed or linked to within the reading I provide for you.

    Bring all the artifacts of your reading and thinking process in preparation for this in-class essay. These artifacts are part of what I will evaluate for the Final.

    Also, reviewing our guides on Essay Basics at and the other materials you have on writing and reading in your Notebook.


Final Exam Times

MW 8:50 Class-- Wed. 5/13 8:00 - 10:30
TR 8:50 Class-- Tue. 5/12 8:00 - 10:30
TR 10:50 Class-- Tue. 5/12 10:50 - 1:20

Please note the change in start times for the Final Exam compared to our class time. Contact me if you have any issues or problems with this 8:00 start time for the 8:50 classes.

Class Announcement 5/4/15

Today we will do a bit of review:

We will review the Essay #4 Topic

We will quickly review Essay Basics of Essay Form, Organization, Coherence, and Development
--by looking at the Model Essay
--An argumentative "critical" essay using quotes from support

Next, we will review Using Quotes
--and this additional guide on the art of integrating quotes with key uses of quotes to avoid

And MLA Documentation Style

SUGGESTION: When you make your Works Cited page, use Son of Citation Machine to create your entries.


Then we will have the remainder of the time for you to work on your papers and for me to conference with you.



1) The final draft of Essay #4 is due next class. Bring to class your final, carefully edited, draft in both a PRINT format and on your USB memory stick for posting in Canvas.

2) Also, be sure you have your notebook with all our class work
--in particular, your three previously graded essays

3) Be sure and get your final tutoring session in before Essay #4 or before the Final Exam

MW Class Final Exam will be ??? (I think on Monday 5/11)


Class Announcement 4/29 & 30

We will start today by learning about Argumentative Techniques

Then we will try out some of these techniques for the current paper we are working on.


After this writing activity, we will shift to a fluid set of assignments:

We have a set deadline for ALL three of these activities to be completed; some of you may finish by the end of class while some of you may need until the ultimate deadline.

Please do and complete these activities in this order:

  1. Incorporate the two argumentative techniques we practiced in-class into the draft of your paper: focus and emphasis, and point-counterpoint.
  2. Post your draft into the E4-2 Peer Response forum (drafts should be posted by the end of the day )
  3. Do THREE peer responses with a fourth for extra-credit (peer response is due by the end of the day Saturday for the MW class and the end of the day on Sunday for the TR classes).
  4. Complete the E4-2 Writing Review as a reply to your own essay in the E4-2 Peer Response forum. Copy and paste the topic into your response and follow it. Due by Sunday.


1) Complete the E4-2 activities within the due date timeframe as stated above.
2) Continue to work on your essay. START EDITING IT. At the least, make revisions and then edit your first page. PRINT this first page of your essay and bring it to class on Monday (MW class) or Tuesday (TR classes).
--the FINAL DRAFT of Essay #4 will be due at the beginning of class on 5/6 or 5/7/
3) Our lab hour requirement continues through next week.

4) Non-Fiction Book Response--due by the end of next week

Write a two-page informal response (500 words minimum) in which you have two parts:

  • one page in which you summarize what the book is about and some of its main topics.
  • one page in which you write about your thoughts and reactions to the book and its main topics. You also can discuss your reading experience of this book.
Be sure to start this response by stating the title of the book and the name of the author. Also, state how for you have gotten in reading it.



Class Announcement 4/27 & 4/28

Turn in immediately

--lab log

--Drafting materials so far (in this order)
1. Brainstorming for Reasons T-Chart
2. Mini-Outline
3. Evidence Sheets
Once you have your materials turned in, take some time to review the articles you have found on Forrest (Asa) Carter and the book while we wait for all materials to be turned in.

We will start today by engaging in a DEBATE on the Little Tree controversy

--LT Debate Topic

Then we will review our key concepts of
--Finding Secondary Support and building evidence sheets
--We will look again at the example body paragraph of Essay #3 that illustrates what full development looked like for Essay #3
--We will look at a sample Body paragraph of a similar Body paragraph for an essay that builds support for a thesis from both a primary and a secondary source.
--Example paragraph from Critical Essay w/ Research (see full example essay)

Since using quotes is SO important, we will review our
--our guide for using quotes
--the "Sandwich Principle" of using quotes
--and an additional guide about the art of integrating quotes


The remainder of the time will be devoted for you to work on your Evidence Sheets and for me to me conferencing with you all on your mini-outlines Evidence Sheets.


Homework for next time:

1) IF your Brainstorming for Reasons T-chart and Evidence Sheets are not complete and done thoughtfully and fully, they will be due again. I will check them again next class. Work on them first.

2) The second draft of Essay #4 is due. This is a "development draft" that should have full development. It should have
--an Introduction crafted to connect with the reader, present the Essay Question, and declare your thesis
--a Body that is organized with ONE Primary Support per body paragraph
--a Conclusion
--each Body paragraph with at least THREE Secondary Supports in the form of quotes from both the novel and from your research.
--it would be nice to build Coherence and craft your Topic/Transition/Linking Sentences for the Body paragraphs as well

As a draft, don't worry about perfection in grammar or documentation. Work on your content and organization. This draft is due in electronic format for posting inside Canvas.

Class Announcement 4/22 & 4/23

We will discuss and get started on our Essay #4 on The Education of Little Tree.

We will do our first draft as the believing and doubting game.
--we will write for 12 minutes believing that this book should definitely stay on the 10th grade reading list
--then we will write for 12 minutes doubting totally that this book should stay on the list

(IF you miss class, you must complete this draft and show it to me.)

--link to Texas Monthly article (this is a must read)

--link to article

1) Continue to explore and research about the book and the author. Take notes and keep track of where you are getting information.

2) You MUST have a detailed and thorough brainstorming T-chart filled out on this issue and have a mini-outline completed.

3) You MUST have at least THREE Evidence Sheets filled out and completed for your argument (you eventually will need three).

Our second draft will be due on 4/29, so you can begin to work towards it.

Class Announcement 4/20 & 4/21

Today we will begin working on Essay #4.

We will review the Essay #4 Topic

Your job is to collect information on the author, Forrest Carter. You need to create a "file" where you put down all the information you discover about this author.

We will share our articles and what we have discovered so far.

Then we will watch a movie about Forrest Carter. Be sure and take notes.


1) You need to find and print one more articles on Forrest Carter. You need to read this article closely, annotating it, and taking notes on it.

2) Continue to collect information on the author and write it down in your "file." Be sure that you clearly note where this information came from.

3) Last week of journals due next time. Continue lab time.

4) Next week will be the last week of vocabulary. We will pick out the four key vocabulary words from our essay writing: four from Essay #4 readings and four from your non-fiction book.

Class Announcement 4/15 & 4/16

Tax Day!

Today we have our Essay #3s due. To do this editing exercise, I want you to have out
--the Sentence Structure and Punctuation Guide
--and the Guide for Using Quotes
--also, you will have out the Standard Editing Marks sheet

IF you do not have a PRINT copy of your paper, you are to go to the Developmental Lab and work on your paper. It is technically late and loses -10 points. If you get the essay completed by the end of the period, you will only lose -5 points.

The essay must be turned in BOTH as a print copy to me and electronically into our Essay #3 assignment in Canvas.

--also, be sure to do the E3 Final Draft Writing Review in Canvas (for homework if necessary).

Then, I want you to edit a peer's paper. Use a colored pen if possible (purple, red, green). Read through it, and offer editing corrections on ANYTHING you see, but in particular look for issue of punctuation. Use the standard editing marks. Sign your name at the bottom of the edited draft.

We will have two rounds of editing of 20 minutes each--so each person will have two people edit their paper and each person will edit two papers.


Then we will go to the computer classroom or the lab and you will make the corrections on your essay, deciding if the editing suggestions are correct or not.

We will also make sure to set up our papers in MLA Format and MLA Documentation Style. We will create a Works Cited page if you don't already have one.
--basic format for the Works Cited entry for a book

When you are ready (which hopefully will be before the period is over), you will turn in

  1. The edited copy of your essay (with the signatures of your two peer editors)
  2. The Final PRINT copy of your essay
  3. The electronic copy of your essay into Canvas, the Essay #3 Assignment

Homework for Mon/Tues:

1) Complete the E3 Final Draft Writing Review if you have not already

2) Vocubulary next time--we go back to our previous method. 8 words--4 from non-fiction book and 4 from research article you find and read

3) I want you to begin researching about the author of our novel, Forrest Carter.
Find ONE article about him. PRINT it and read it closely and interactively. That means annotating! (Review our reading guide briefly before you begin reading and try to follow a reading process). Then write a one page, informal reaction to what you have read in the article.

4) LAST week of journals. Keep going to lab and reading 30 min/day of your non-fiction book.


Class Announcement 4/13 & 4/14

Today we will begin by
--reviewing our vocabulary crossword puzzle on homonyms 2
--reviewing the punctuation and run-ons test
--we also will review Essay Basics

Guides on Essay Basics
--Essay Form
--Orienting Yourself Toward a Writing Prompt and Arriving at a Thesis
--Leads: Introductions
--Model Essay
--Sample Essays Reviewing Essay Form, Introductions, and Essay Form
--Development Outline
--Strategies for Developing Support
-- Coherence

We will review an example of a fully developed Body paragraph for this Essay #3 on Little Tree.
--Little Tree Essay #3 Example Body paragraph

The remainder of the day will be devoted for me to conference individually with you on your drafts and for you to work in class on your draft.
-- the Essay #3 Topic Sheet
Guides related to using quotes
--Guide for Using Quotes
--the Sandwich Principle of Using Quotes

Homework for next class:

1) The final draft of Essay #3 is due
--review Essay Basics to make sure your essay is following these basics
--this is due at the beginning of class, typed, in MLA Manuscript format (double-spaced, 12 point font, indentions for paragraphs, heading, page #s in the header, 1" margins)
--you MUST have a PRINT copy as well as your USB memory stick with your draft on it

2) Vocabulary work
8 words: FOUR from your articles researching for Essay #4 and FOUR from your non-fiction book

3) Ongoing work with journals and with lab hour time

Class Announcement 4/8/15 or 4/9/15

Trillium flowers in the woods of Tennessee

Today, we will (hopefully) be in the computer classroom working on our Essay #3 draft #2s.

Activity #1: Work on our Introduction
--Guide on Introductions
We will do an activity (like we did before on Essay #2) where we write a bunch of possible Titles and a bunch of possible 1st lines.

Then we will pick our best title and best first line into our draft.

Activity #2: We will review our transition sentences and make sure that we have Topic/Transition/Linking Sentences in our Body paragraphs if we don't already.
--Guide on Coherence and transition sentences.

Activity #3: We will review an example of a fully developed Body paragraph for this Essay #3 on Little Tree.
--Little Tree Essay #3 Example Body paragraph
Then we will begin doing peer response inside Canvas. You will post your draft and then begin doing peer response.

You are required to do THREE peer responses. You can do a fourth for extra-credit. What you don't finish in class is due by the end of the day.


1) Review the example Body paragraph on LT Essay #3 closely and let it help guide you for what you should be doing in your Body paragraph. Work on your Essay. It will be due Wed/Thur of next week (4/15 or 4/16).

2) Vocab on Homonyms 2 is due Mon/Tues

3) Ongoing journaling--ten minutes per day, five days per week freewriting.

4) Ongoing reading (now of your non-fiction book)--30 minutes per day, five days per week

5) Lab hour--one hour per week

--you must get your second tutoring session completed by the time we turn in Essay #3. I need to see the documentation of your session to get credit.

Class Announcement 4/6/15

Today, we will start by reviewing the vocabulary puzzle on homonyms.

Then we will review punctuation and run-ons one more time...

The bulk of our time will be focused on guides related to using quotes
--Guide for Using Quotes
--the Sandwich Principle of Using Quotes
----formatted version of Milk Essay illustrating use of quotes

We will do an in-class exercise, and then you will have some time to practice using quotes by building one of your Body paragraphs, including your textual support as your Secondary Support.

Homewok for next time:
1) Re-Test on Punctuation and Run-ons
You must take this re-test ON YOUR OWN TIME in the Developmental Lab on either Tuesday or Wednesday.

Resources for Studying Punctuation and Run-ons
--Guide on Sentence Basics
--Guide on Punctuation and Sentence Structure
--LEO guide on what are run-ons
--Guide to Grammar and Writing on run-ons

What Will Be On The Punctuation Test
1. identify and name all five of the things punctuation does along with the associated punctuation mark with each function (like we have done in two quizzes already, must be known in the correct order)
2. provide an example sentence using each of the five functions (i.e. five different sentences)
3. define what a run-on is and state the three kinds of run-on and the three ways to fix them
4. look at a passage with common punctuation errors inside it and fix them (most common ones are missing commas after introductory elements and run-ons)

2) Draft #2 of Essay #3 is due next time. This draft should be a complete draft with an introduction, body and conclusion. You should seek to include FULL SUPPORT by including at least two quotes and one illustrative example in each Body paragraph.
--You should work on your outline first (summarizing secondary supports) and have this outline with you in class. Use your Evidence Sheets to help build the outline and build the actual Body paragraphs.

Don't worry about grammar or format at this point--it is still a rough draft. Focus on content and support.

This draft must be in electronic format on your memory stick. ONLY drafts posted into Canvas will be accepted as on time.

3) The next week of Vocabulary focusing on Homonyms is due next Mon/Tues. You will do another puzzle like we did this week. The learning materials on the homonyms are located, like before, in the FILES portion of our Canvas class. I will give you the paper copy of the puzzle to work in class.

4) Ongoing work with Journals and the lab hour continues. Journals due on Wed/Thur.



Class Announcement 4/1/15

Punctuation and Run-on Resources
--Guide on Sentence Basics
--Guide on Punctuation and Sentence Structure
--LEO guide on what are run-ons
--Guide to Grammar and Writing on run-ons

NYTimes article to see punctuation in action.

Punctuation Re-Test
Retests will be available for you to do
--in the Lab on Tues. or Wed. 4/7 or 4/8 ONLY
--you must go in and do the retest on your own
-- +10 points offered if you sit down and review and grade your test right away with a tutor or lab worker.

Punctuation Tests count as an Essay Grade

Once we have done a punctuation review, we will take a look at and talk about this week's Commonly Confused words (found inside our Canvas class within the FILES). We might even try working the crossword puzzle a bit.

Then we will have time to share our brainstorming T-charts.

Next, we will do our 1st draft as an in-class, freewriting draft.
(IF you are absent, you must do this draft on your own and show it to me when you return.)

Essay 3 1st Draft Instructions

Take one last look at your brainstorming T-chart. Consider your thoughts and feelings about the book.

Think about the question:

(OR: Do I really like this book or not?)

Close your eyes for a second. Think about the question:
Then start with this line:

"Well, what I really think about The Education of Little Tree is... "

and start writing.

Write in a semi-freewriting fashion, without stopping or worrying about essay form or correctness at all.

Just write!

In particular, write to explore your "because" thoughts.

...I found this book valuable because...
... I did not find this book valuable to me because...

Write for 25 minutes. Label this draft clearly as "Essay 3-draft1" or "E3-1"

Next we will review your draft and your T-Chart to find the three or four REASONS you will focus on for this paper and write your Mini-Outline:


Essay Question/Issue:
--Reason #1 (--because...)
--Reason #2 (--because...)
--Reason #3 (--because...)
--Reason #4 (--because...)

Example Mini-Outline:

S: The character of Haimon
Q: Was Haimon acting morally by opposing his father's policies?
A: (thesis) Despite all appearances, Haimon was immoral in his opposition to his father.
PS#1: --because Haimon falls from his position of respect for his father.
PS#2: --because of the selfish motivation behind his actions.
PS#3: --because his suicide was an immoral act to punish his father

Finally, we will set up your three or four Evidence Sheets
--Guide on Developing Support and using Evidence Sheets

Homework for next class:
1) Our ongoing Vocabulary, Journals, and reading work continues
2) Vocabulary due Mon/Tues is the crossword puzzle over Homonyms1 (found in FILES in our Canvas class)
3) Complete an Evidence Sheet for EACH of your Primary Supports that contains at least three quotes from the text to support each reason (that means you will have three or four Evidence Sheets). Make your own following the format of the template or download and print more evidence sheets from the guide on developing support above
4) Find and bring in your Non-fiction book to class next time


Class Announcement 3/30 & 3/31


We will start today by doing our punctuation test.

We will begin discussing Little Tree. What I would like you to do is

  1. Find a passage in the book that you found either very interesting and moving or a passage that you found you disliked and could not connect with. (Identify a passage of two to ten lines.)
  2. Write down, briefly, your thoughts about this passage.
After we discuss the novel, we will be introduced to the Essay #3 Topic Sheet

Homework for next time:
1) We are returning to our journal and vocabulary schedule
--journals due next class (Wed/Thurs) and vocabulary due next Mon/Tues

2) Vocabulary this week: Homonyms and Commonly Confused Words Part 1
--you need to read and study the FILE on Homonyms found inside our CANVAS class in the FILES section of the class named "Homonyms1.pdf." (You can print it on your own if you want to.) Study these commonly confused words and work the crossword puzzle I gave you in class today. (Due next Mon./Tues.)

3) Review the Essay #3 topic and do a brainstorming for reasons T-chart. I expect you to come up with at least seven reasons on each side. Come to class with this T-chart.

4) Find and bring to class your non-fiction book for next Mon./Tues. Go to the library once again to check out a book or get a book approved by me. YOU NEED TO BRING THE BOOK WITH YOU TO CLASS. Begin reading it for our reading component (30 minutes/day five days per week).

Class Announcement 3/25 & 3/26

Today we will be turning in our Essay #2s!

But first, we will do a few some work with the print copy of our essay

  1. Coherence and Topic/Transition/Linking Sentences

  2. Color coding, identifying parts of the essay with red, green, blue, orange, and purple following the color coding of the Model Essay
    --you can color code the Secondary Support by straight horizontal lines in the margin.
    NOTE WHERE YOUR ESSAY IS MISSING ELEMENTS OR SOMETHING IS NOT PLACED CORRECTLY by writing a note in the margin: e.g. "thesis missing" or "lack third secondary support"

  3. Also, circle every punctuation mark and put a square around every coordinate conjunction (FANBOYS: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so)
    --get your guide on Punctuation and Sentence Structure out, and check in particular for run-ons and for missing commas after introductory elements. Review the LEO guide on run-ons for the three types of run-ons and see if they are in your paper. Then FIX THEM BY MARKING YOUR DRAFT following one of the methods this guide recommends.

Then for the last 40 minutes of class, we will go to the computer classroom where you will make any changes to your essay that you need to make. You will also make sure that you have put it into MLA Manuscript Format.

Then you will turn in the essay two ways:

PRINT me a copy of the essay and turn it in
POST into Canvas a copy of the essay into the Essay #2 Assignment

What if your Essay is Late?
--Late essays lose -10 points of the grade and must be turned in within a week or the grade is a zero. It is YOUR responsibility to get the essay turned in both ways (PRINT to me and POSTED in Canvas) within a week. I may not remind you.

What if you were absent today?
--your essay is still due into Canvas by the end of the day (unless you contact me and make provisions otherwise)
--I still expect you to do the in-class exercise color coding and editing your PRINT draft, then incorporating changes. Bring this color-coded and edited copy to class as well as the clean, finished copy to class next time.


Homework for next class:
1) Prepare for the Punctuation Test.
--see the 3/23 & 3/24 Class Announcement for exactly what will be on the test.

2) Finish reading The Education of Little Tree. Be sure to bring your book to class every class for the rest of the semester.

3) We are taking a one week break from vocabulary and journals (i.e. no journal due this Wed/Thurs), but you still have the required lab hour time to do

Class Announcement 3/23 & 3/24

Today we will review the punctuation and the punctuation quiz:

--Victor Borge and phonetic punctuation
--Why Punctuation Matters
--reviewing our punctuation quiz

Resources for Studying Punctuation and Run-ons
--Guide on Sentence Basics
--Guide on Punctuation and Sentence Structure
--LEO guide on what are run-ons
--Guide to Grammar and Writing on run-ons

Punctuation Test
--part 1 will be how well you punctuate and avoid run-ons on the final draft of your essay (due next class)
--part 2 will be next Mon/Tue where you will be asked to
1. identify and name all five of the things punctuation does along with the associated punctuation mark with each function (like we have done in two quizzes already)
2. provide an example sentence using each of the five functions (i.e. five different sentences)
3. define what a three kinds of run-on are and the three ways to fix them
4. look at a passage with common punctuation errors inside it and fix them (most common ones are missing commas after introductory elements and run-ons)

Reviewing Essay Form, Organization, and Development
--Scrambled Milk
--answers (don't check until you attempt the exercise)
--formatted version of essay

Focus for Today--Introductionsand Coherence
Before we begin--cool video about the NASA Curiosity Rover on Mars (28 Months on Mars)

--Guide on Introductions
In-class we will do the exercise on Titles and First Lines (attempting to do a number of the techniques to create an engaging opener from the guide)
--Guide on Coherence
In-class we will do the exercise and create the transition sentences for our papers

I will specifically be looking for you in your final draft to have:
--to have a sharp, catchy title
--have a first line that engages and seeks to catch the attention of the reader
--uses Topic/Transition/Linking sentences in the first sentences of the Body paragraphs

Homework for next class:
1) We are taking a one week break from vocabulary and journals (i.e. no journal due this Wed/Thurs), but you still have the required lab hour time to do
2) The FINAL DRAFT of Essay #2 on funding for NASA is due. Arrive in class with both a PRINT copy of your paper and with your essay on your USB memory stick.
--see the evaluation sheet for how you will be graded
3) Get your second tutoring session in during either essay #2 or #3
4) Keep reading Little Tree. You should be finished by the end of this week.


Class Announcement 3/18 & 3/19

Today we will start with punctuation quiz

Then we will do a bit of prep work for our in-class essay on funding for NASA.


       In the 21st century, there is some doubt whether space exploration is worth its high price tag.  Should funding for the space program be continued or discontinued? Those in favor romantically see space as the next frontier, and claim technological advances for the space program benefit our society here on earth.  Many scientists also cite the vast amount of valuable information, and even resources, to be gained in space.  However, those opposed to the space program think it costs too much.  They believe that the money would be better spent to solve problems here on earth rather than on quests for obscure scientific knowledge.  Some even believe we were never meant to go into space.
       Write a persuasive essay taking a position on the issue of whether funding for the space program should be continued or not.  Your audience is a classroom instructor.  Be sure to explain and defend your position with appropriate examples and logical arguments.

Learning Objectives for this Essay

Essay Form: Develop an essay with an introduction, body, and conclusion

Introduction: Create an Introduction that moves from SUBJECT to ISSUE/QUESTION to THESIS/POSITION

Organization: In the Body of the paper, the writer "divides up the proof" which means to put ONE Primary Support (REASON) per Body paragraph

Development: Include three supports for each assertion which means at least three Primary Supports for the Thesis and at least three Secondary Supports with details for each Primary Support

Essays will be due at the end of class unless otherwise stated.

Homework for next class:
1) Ongoing work in vocabulary, lab hour, journals, and reading. Read read read Little Tree.
2) Review the guides on Essay Basics
--Essay Form
--Orienting Yourself Toward a Writing Prompt and Arriving at a Thesis **
--Leads: Introductions**
--Model Essay
--Sample Essays Reviewing Essay Form, Introductions, and Essay Form
--Development Outline
--Strategies for Developing Support
**review introductions in particular

3) Read and study the guide on Coherence
4) Work with a tutor in the Developmental Lab on either Essay #2 or #3.
--this is required. You will also have one more to do either with E3 or E4.

Class Announcement 3/16 & 3/17

Welcome back!

Today we will start with some time to read The Education of Little Tree. Please turn in your logs and begin reading right away.

Also, anyone who did not turn in the essay we wrote in class last time, please turn that in.

Punctuation Quiz

Next we will review the Learning Objectives from our first set of Essay Basics

Reading Set #1 for Our Crash Course in Essay Basics
--Essay Form
--Orienting Yourself Toward a Writing Prompt and Arriving at a Thesis
--Leads: Introductions
--Model Essay
--Sample Essays Reviewing Essay Form, Introductions, and Essay Form

The Learning Goals for Essay #2-1 are these:

  1. Create and Essay with an Introduction, Body and Conclusion
  2. Create an introduction that moves from Subject--to Essay Question--to Answer (Thesis)
  3. Creates a Body to the essay that "divides up the proof"--that is, puts one Primary Support per body paragraph

Next, you will look at some sample essays and identify what is working and not working.

Our next Essay Basic will be related to Support or Development
--Development Outline
--Strategies for Developing Support

Article to read for tomorrow on funding for NASA

1) Read and annotate the article above for next time. Skim/scan/predict before you read. Annotate AS YOU READ. Make sure to annotate different arguments pro/con on the issue. (Annotation involves underlining and writing in the margin.)

2) Prepare to write an in-class essay on this issue

       In the 21st century, there is some doubt whether space exploration is worth its high price tag.  Should funding for the space program be continued or discontinued? Those in favor romantically see space as the next frontier, and claim technological advances for the space program benefit our society here on earth.  Many scientists also cite the vast amount of valuable information, and even resources, to be gained in space.  However, those opposed to the space program think it costs too much.  They believe that the money would be better spent to solve problems here on earth rather than on quests for obscure scientific knowledge.  Some even believe we were never meant to go into space.
       Write a persuasive essay taking a position on the issue of whether funding for the space program should be continued or not.  Your audience is a classroom instructor.  Be sure to explain and defend your position with appropriate examples and logical arguments.

  1. Brainstorm for reasons by creating a T-chart
    (see brainstorming for reasons)
  2. Then set up your Development Outline defining your Primary and Secondary Supports (with details)
    (see Development Outline)

These TWO things should be done BEFORE class.


3) Keep reading Little Tree. You should be done within a week.
4) Ongoing work with journals, vocabulary, and lab hour.

Class Announcement 3/4 & 3/5

Vocabulary Words from the article on Net Neutrality

"Today's decision by the FCC to encumber broadband Internet services with badly antiquated regulations is a radical step that presages a time of uncertainty for consumers, innovators, and investors, ... ."

But throughout his administration, and through two of his appointees picked to lead the FCC, that goal has been obstructed by legal challenges and a caustic multimillion-dollar lobbying campaign between Silicon Valley and cable and telecom Internet service providers over the rules.

The wait gives Congress more time to develop a legislative proposal that would supersede the FCC's regulation.

"Overzealous government bureaucrats should keep their hands off the Internet," House Speaker John A. Boehner (R-Ohio) said in a statement.


We will begin by reviewing the Reading Set #1 of Essay Basics:

Reading Set #1 for Our Crash Course in Essay Basics
--Essay Form
--Orienting Yourself Toward a Writing Prompt and Arriving at a Thesis
--Leads: Introductions

--Model Essay

The Learning Goals for Essay #2-1 are these:

  1. Create and Essay with an Introduction, Body and Conclusion
  2. Create an introduction that moves from Subject--to Essay Question--to Answer (Thesis)
  3. Creates a Body to the essay that "divides up the proof"--that is, puts one Primary Support per body paragraph

Brainstorming for Reasons
--if you miss class, use this strategy to help you orient yourself toward your topic and find your Primary Supports (reasons)

Essay #2—Topic 1

The FCC recently ruled in favor of “net neutrality” in a 3-2 ruling. Do you support this FCC ruling or not? Those supporting the ruling believe the FCC correctly designated internet providers like At&t as a utility since we are so dependent upon internet access in today’s world, and the government needed to pass regulations to ensure a fast and fair internet. Supporters like that the new regulation would prevent internet providers from restricting access to their network or from creating fast lanes of internet traffic for some content providers who paid for this access. Opponents fear internet providers would be able to essentially censor the internet, potentially harming the economy and our civil liberties. However, those opposed believe that companies deserve the right to manage internet traffic on their networks the way they choose. They believe their ability to expand and upgrade networks depends upon their ability not just to charge consumers to hook up to receive content on the internet but for them to charge content providers for the ability to send information over their networks. Supporters also strongly believe the industry can self-regulate itself without government rules.

Write a persuasive essay taking a position on the issue of whether you support or oppose the FCC ruling on net neutrality. Your audience is a classroom instructor.  Be sure to explain and defend your position with appropriate examples and logical arguments.

We will begin by Brainstorming for Reasons and then you can begin writing. We will be writing for at least 60 minutes. I expect you to use the full time to create the best essay that you can on the topic, including editing and proofreading it carefully for punctuation issues before you turn it in. Seek to accomplish the learning objectives for this essay. Essays are due by the end of class.

-- Some of you who need longer time to write will be able to turn in your essays next class (3/16 or 3/17). It can be handwritten.
--If you are absent, you will need to write this essay on your own (in 60 minutes) and bring it next time.

Homework for next time:
1) Have a good Spring Break
2) Keep reading The Education of Little Tree (if you finish it, pick up another book)
--you should be around page 100-120 when we return, at least.
3) Ongoing work
--lab hour, vocabulary (remember eight words), and journaling
4) Be prepared for the quiz on Punctuation we will have next time. STUDY sentence structure and punctuation and be prepared for a quiz on it.
You should from memory to be able to name all five of the things punctuation helps you do as you write and what punctuation marks are associated with each function. Then, you should be able to provide an example of each use of punctuation of the five functions that punctuation helps you do.



Class Announcement 3/2 & 3/3

We will open today by reviewing how to format Vocabulary entries
--new INRW Frameworks handout on vocabulary entries
(we will now be shifting to doing eight words per week)

Also, we will review of punctuation and particularly run-ons and issues surrounding connecting (or separating) complete thoughts
--sentence structure and punctuation
--What are run-on sentences and how to fix them

We then will turn to reading and annotating our article of the week on Net Neutrality.
--we will read and annotate the article, particularly annotating where the issue stands and what the arguments are for and against net neutrality
--and we will do a round of academic conversation about the piece

Reading Set #1 for Our Crash Course in Essay Basics
--Essay Form
--Orienting Yourself Toward a Writing Prompt and Arriving at a Thesis
--Leads: Introductions

Homework for next class 3/4 or 3/5:
1) Re-read and re-annotate the article of the week (again focusing your annotating on noting where the issue stands and what arguments are for or against net neutrality)
--Write your one page response to the article
2) STUDY sentence structure and punctuation and be prepared for a quiz on it.
You should be able from memory to be able to name all five of the things punctuation helps you do as you write and what punctuation marks are associated with each function. Then, you should be able to provide an example of each use of punctuation of the five functions that punctuation helps you do.
3) Review the first Reading Set#1 on Essay Basics (linked above)
4) Keep reading Little Tree!
5) Ongoing journaling and vocabulary
Vocabulary Note: From here on, we will do EIGHT words per week (unless otherwise noted here).
--four from Little Tree
--four from our reading (this week, the four words come from the net neutrality article (linked above))

Reminder--You must bring your notebook and our novel (Little Tree) to class every class.

NOTE to MW class
--all REQUIRED FOCUSED REWRITES are due by the end of this week (by Friday)

Class Announcement 2/25 & 2/26

Today we will turn in our first Essays!!!

But first we will do turn in freewriting journals and write one together.

I will also mention about reading our novel The Education of Little Tree and Vocabulary
--get FIVE Vocabulary words from the novel
--be sure to follow the directions for doing vocabulary entries (see the 2/16 class announcement for the instructions)

IF you don't have your novel yet, you need it NOW!!! I have a copy available for you to read in the Developmental Lab, but you should still get your own copy. (At this point, if you don't have it yet, you will need to go to a bookstore to purchase it or have it rush delivered or get an electronic copy.)

BEFORE we turn in our Essays, we will do a review of Punctuation.

Sentence Structure and Punctuation
Sentence Basics
--in-class exercise practicing punctuation #1 and #2

Then you will have some time to EDIT your own essay for punctuation errors while we are in-class.

MARK and fix any errors (particularly punctuation errors) you find in your paper.
(I will be taking an Editing Grade, so put a good effort into it.) Marking a correction on your paper means it is fixed from my perspective. It is ok to consult a peer or ask me for assistance.

The last thing will be to turn in your paper to me!!! I will look forward to reading these stories!

Homework for next time:

1) Ongoing work with reading, journaling, lab hour, and vocabulary. You should be around page 60 to 80 by next class.
2) Vocabulary Work for next class--TWO PARTS:
A) This week, all you need to do is the FIVE words from the novel (because there is not a secondary reading).
B) But I also want you to write a three sentence paragraph in which you use as many of your past vocabulary words as you can. Make it a game to see how many you can use.
Make UP: However, many of you misunderstood in wk2 that each week TEN vocabulary words are due, so you can do ten words from the novel to make up credit. However, you need to follow directions and the words must be from the novel.
3) Review and study punctuation. Review our guide on punctuation by following the links about each of the five functions. Be sure to spend about an hour reviewing this guide and these links. Be prepared for a quiz on this guide on punctuation next week.



Class Announcement 2/23 & 2/24

We have a very trim class announcement for today

Today we will:

  1. Start The Education of Little Tree and talk about it.
  2. Share our responses to the article on Vitamins and talk about annotation.
    You should take Notes on: How do we annotate? What sort of things do we annotate?
  3. Then we will go to the computer classroom to do an activity with your draft

Descriptive Writing Activity on YOUR 2nd Draft
--to do this activity you need to print off a copy of your paper that is double-spaced. Also, you will need a blue and green marker and a pen.

1. Start by identifying every noun and verb in your story.
--underline nouns in green and verbs in blue

2. Then examine EACH NOUN and VERB and see if
a) You can name the noun? You can add an adjective to it (is the added description helpful)

b) You can change the verb to a more descriptive verb (from "walked" to "strutted" for example)?You can add more description to the verb with an adverb (if it is needed and helpful).

3. Look for opportune moments in your story where a COMPARISON will help or where SENSORY description would help and add it.

--save this activity to turn in next class
--be sure to incorporate these changes into your final draft

Homework for next class:
1) The FINAL DRAFT of Essay #1 is due next time. You must bring both a print copy and have your essay on your USB memory stick because we will do one more editing exercise on your essay. Work to make this final draft as good and descriptive and grammatically correct as you can. This final draft should be carefully reviewed.

2) Reading--We are not focusing on reading The Education of Little Tree. You should target reading at least 60-80 pages a week to finish the book on time.

3) Ongoing work--vocabulary, reading, lab hour, journals

4) Writing Activity--the in-class Writing Activity needs to be completed and brought for next class (changes made in the activity should be incorporated into the final draft


Class Announcement 2/18 & 2/19

Ideas for Journal Prompts

For those of you who have run out of things to write about, here is a list of 180 journal topics that you might use. Or you could use a famous quote to start a journal. If you use one of these, write the topic or quote at the top and start freewriting
--write for 10 minutes
--write without stopping
--write without worrying about correctness

Let's do one together for today's journal (the first journal for next week):

Journal #? 2/18/15

What makes you laugh?

Today, (after our initial freewriting) we will

  1. Look at our practice descriptions we did not get to look at last time and review the Techniques of Description.
  2. We will review description in particular by looking at examples of moving from "telling" to "showing"
  3. Then we will look at an example family story and find "telling sentences" which could be expanded into "showing sentences"
  4. Next, we will work in pairs and share each other's stories and do some peer response
  5. Lastly, I hope we have time to actually go to the computer classroom for you to begin making changes to your draft.


Homework for next class (Mon. or Tues):

1) Ongoing work: reading, journaling, vocabulary, lab hour
2) The FINAL DRAFT of your story will be due 2/25 (MW) or 2/26 (TR), so I encourage you to work on it, especially to work on adding needed description. Your first TUTORING SESSION ON YOUR ESSAY DRAFT MUST BE COMPLETED before the essay is due. Be sure to get proof of attending a tutoring session.
3) We will start on The Education of Little Tree next week--bring it to class!!!
(Note: I have one copy of the novel that will be on reserve in the Developmental Lab.)
4) Reading Homework: read and re-read the article on Vitamins

Clarification of Article Assignment for next Mon./Tues.

Write a short (150 word min. response in which you do four things:

--BEFORE YOUR READ, do a pre-reading skim/scan of the title, author, type of publication, place of publication, and your previous knowledge and attitudes toward the topic. Then write down your predictions/anticipations for the article and any questions you have.

--AS YOUR READ, annotate the text (this is new) underlining and making notes in the margins on anything that seems important or interesting to you, especially in terms of understanding the article. In addition to other annotations, I want you to underline places where your predictions were fulfilled (and marked in the margin with an "A" for answered) and places where something was said that was unexpected or a surprise (mark in the margin with a "U" for unexpected).

--AFTER YOU READ, write down some of the answered predictions and unexpected information you came across in the article. Be specific.

--AFTER YOU READ (and RE-READ), write what you believe the write is communicating in this article. What is her main message? Find the place in the article where you believe her message is the most clearly communicated: quote this line in your response.

Reminder: Our first notebook check will be coming up. Remember to bring your notebook to class EACH day as well as your novel (which will be The Education of Little Tree starting next week). Contents should be in appropriate sections, hole-punched, and in chronological order.

Still reading your novel? Go ahead and switch over to Little Tree now. If you finish Little Tree, you can go back.

Class Announcement 2/16 &17

Today we will start with some quiet reading (or re-reading of the NYTimes article for today).
--then we will have some discussion
--We will do our first "Reading Circle" with roles. Today's agenda.
--We will also be introduced to next week's article and our next reading strategy--annotating as we read

The second half of class we will focus on your drafts of The Family Story Essay.

We will talk about possibilities for "revision" for draft #2 (due next class (Wed. or Thurs.)
--in particular, we will review "The Power of Description!" and your practice descriptions.

Goals for Revision for Draft #2
--see this handout for your goals for revision
--one of the most important goals is to open open open with more detail and description (see this example)

Second draft needs to be longer and have more description, especially surrounding your "central image."

--you should have both the print and the electronic version of your story (ready to turn in both by hand and into Canvas)

Homework for Wed/Thurs:
1) Ongoing work: journals, reading, lab, vocabulary
2) Draft #2 of Essay #2 due next class (see above)
3) Article #2 reading and writing exercise (handed out in class and due next Monday/Tuesday)
--short written response due
4) Vocabulary work reminder (10 words per week: 5 from your novel and 5 from class reading)

Format for Vocabulary Words
--For EACH word

a) Write the Word (I like it when you highlight the word)
b) Copy the sentence from your novel or reading where the word is used
c) Write the definitions of the word you look up in a dictionary (top 3 or 4)
d) Identify which sense of the word is used in your novel passage.
e) Write another sentence or two that uses this same word to communicate something else

5) Reminder that you MUST get your tutoring session for Essay #1 in before it is due on 2/25 (MW) or 2/26 (TR). Have you scheduled your tutoring appointment yet???? If not, do it today!
--not having the tutoring session equates to missing a week of lab hour in the developmental lab.

Class Announcement 2/11 (MW) and 2/12 (TR)

Today, we start with a love poem--"Sonnet 116" while we turn in this week's journals. It should be five.

Then we will get a start on our first Essay (Note:
--First, we will talk about "The Power of Description!" (or PowerD) and practice it
--Then, I will introduce you to The Family Story Essay and we will do the brainstorming activities and do the first draft together.

Check the due date for your novel!
IF it is due this week and you have not completed it, you can renew your book either by filling in this request online or by going in person to renew your book. IF you have finished your book, you can either check out another book or start reading The Education of Little Tree.



1) Ongoing/regular work in reading novel, lab hour, journaling, and vocabulary

2) Read the article I provide for you "The Dangers of Vaccine Denial" incorporating the prereading strategy of predicting and reading with a purpose. See the full assignment in the 2/9 - 2/10 class announcement below.

3) Description Practice
--read and study again the five techniques of description found in the Power of Description handout
--pick two more "telling sentences" found on the bottom of the Power of Description hand out and "open" them with some showing description in which you try out the techniques of description (these descriptions should be a minimum of three to five sentences)
--due next class

4) First draft of Essay #1 (see instructions in the Essay handout)--write for 30 minutes in a semi-freewriting fashion to write your first draft of your story. Re-read the Essay handout carefully. Don't worry about correctness. Bring print copy to class for next class

5) Set up your first tutoring session in the Developmental Lab, Word Play.
--check out the other example stories linked to this webpage
--SET UP your first tutoring session in the Developmental Lab (bring the appointment card). If the Develop can not see you because they are full, go to the Writing Center in GH 203 and set up an appointment with them. This appointment should be held BEFORE the due dates of 2/25 (MW) or 2/26 (TR). Don't forget your appointment.
--the revised "draft 2" of the Family Story will be due on 2/18 or 2/19.


Class Announcement 2/9 (MW) and 2/10 (TR)

Good morning!

Today, we begin our next chapter in the class. We will

  1. Turn in our lab and reading logs
  2. Talk about words and turn in our Vocabulary lists for this week
  3. Then we will have 15 minutes to read
    --I will talk briefly about our ongoing book reading and the Book Reviews
  4. Then we will start with our first Reading Workshop
    --part 1
    --we will discuss Reading Strategies for Before Reading

1) Ongoing and regular class work
--freewriting journals (five will be due on Wed/Thurs.)
--reading of your novel (30 min. five days a week, keep log)
--Developmental lab hour (this will be wk4 M-F 2/9-2/13)
--Vocabulary Work (five words from your novel + five words from the article I assign): due Mon. 2/16

2) Read the article I provide for you "The Dangers of Vaccine Denial" incorporating the prereading strategy of predicting and reading with a purpose
--write a short response to this reading describing your initial "predictions" or anticipations about the text, the questions you formed before you read, and then whether these pre-reading predictions were fulfilled or not. Write also what you think this writer means to communicate in this article--what's his message or point he wants to get across? (should be 150 words minimum and can be handwritten)
--due Mon. 2/16 (MW) or 2/17 (TR)

Note: Homework items #3 & #4 posted earlier on 2/9 are no longer homework for this Wed. or Thurs.

Remember: This class takes time out of class to be successful. As I mentioned from the start of the class, you can anticipate it taking four to six hours out of class, and for some of you it may take longer.

Class Announcement 2/4 and 2/5

If you are in the TR classes that meet on 2/5, the homework if found in the 2/2 & 2/3 class announcement below.

Today we turn in our Book Projects!!!!!

Hurrah! Congratulations!

If, for whatever reason, your Book is not complete, the grade is -10 points off and you have a week to complete the book or it is a zero. Contact me if you are having problems.

Today we will

  1. Turn in our five journals for WK2 of journals.
  2. Share some of our writing pieces from the Book.
  3. Project forward where we go from here in the class.


Homework for next class:

1) Read your novel. Look at your pace of reading, and plan on completing your novel by 2/16 or 2/19 (that is 12 to 15 days).
2) Identify FIVE words that are new to you from your novel (in the current reading you are doing).
--For EACH word
a) Write the Word
b) Copy the sentence from your novel where the word is used
c) Write the definitions of the word you look up in a dictionary
d) Identify which sense of the word is used in your novel passage.
e) Write another sentence or two that uses this same word to communicate something else

3) Keep up with your journaling, lab hour, and reading.


Class Announcement 2/2 & 2/3

Today we will go to the computer classroom to work on peer response on our writing pieces and discuss how to go about finishing our books.

Combined Reading and Lab Log due at the beginning of class.


Peer Responding to Writing Pieces #4-6
-- You are expected to do FOUR peer response pieces of your peers #4-6 pieces.  Do four total and only four. You choose who and which four writing pieces #4-6 you will respond to. Simply hit REPLY to do your peer response.

Please follow the peer response questions at the end of The Book Project handout. See instructions below for posting and replying to writing pieces. 

The response questions for each particular Writing Piece are at the end of the Book Project handout.  Don’t feel you have to retype the questions, but please do follow them.  Just label the questions as 1. or 2. or 3.

As you reply to your peer's writing, please follow these guides:

1--Respond in the spirit of helpfulness and respect.
2--Follow the peer response questions (found in the Book Project handout) as you respond.
3--The best response are ones that are observational--they point directly to the writing in a specific way and observe something without making a judgment.  Share observations of your own responses and reactions to the writing too. 
4--You need not respond in the role of the teacher or fixer of their writing.  Respond as a fellow writer and as a reader.

You will need to complete these peer responses IN-CLASS.


The final Book Projects are due NEXT CLASS. I will review and model how to create your finished Book Project.
--read and follow this guide for creating your final book carefully!

Final Book Project example #1
Final Book Project example #2

NOTE about reading instructions for assignments
-- It is important that you always always always read our class announcements carefully as well as any other links included in these class announcements. You may (in fact, you must) read and re-read these instructions and assignments until you fully understand what you need to do. You may find it helpful to PRINT key web pages because reading a print copy is easier for you.

The guide for creating your final book is a good example of a link within a class announcement with instructions that are very important for you to read and re-read and understand completely.


Homework for next class:

  1. The Final Book Project is due (at the beginning of class).
    --you should have a PRINT copy of your Book to turn in as you arrive in the door! Also, you should have the electronic version of your Book on your USB ready to turn in as well.
  2. Weekly Lab Hour
  3. Journaling--Journals for week due Thurs
  4. Reading of your novel.

--IF by chance, something gets in the way of our meeting in our classroom at the start of our class. I expect you to still come to class when this complication may be completed--whether this complication is cleared up by 9AM or by 10AM.

IF you miss class when these Book Projects are due, I expect you to turn in the electronic version into the Canvas assignment for the Book Project on the day it is due (unless I hear from you and you have an approved extension).


Class Announcement 1/29

Note: MW class can view the 1/28 class announcement to see what we were doing. However, both TR and MW classes are totally in synch with homework going forward! Finally!

What's up for today????

  1. You will turn in your first week of journals (this week, it is two journals).
  2. Then we will do another journal together (after reviewing the journal guidelines).
  3. We will next review our policies for attendance and participation
    --from the syllabus
    --from the INRW Framework and the "all or nothing" credit for the weekly book reading assignment and the weekly lab hour assignment
    You should know exactly how many absences you are allowed in this class and how many is too much. And you should know how not doing assignments affects your attendance.

    Here, again, is my simple expectation for you in this class:

    I expect you to come to every class, and I expect you to come to every class prepared (having done ALL the assigned homework, and having carefully followed instructions and requirements for doing this homework).

  4. Then we will return to the computer classroom to post our Writing Piece #4s. In class, we should do a draft of Writing Piece #5.

    Note: Course Transition Period is Over. At this point and going forward, I will hold you accountable for having all homework that needs to be turned in electronically or in print done on time. For instance, today we have Writing Piece #4 due. This homework should have been turned in to our Canvas class electronically in the correct discussion forum for the draft writing pieces for the Book Project. From this time forward, our Late Policy in the syllabus is now going to be enforced. You can do it. Take responsibility for your own work and ensuring that you have ALL homework to turn in for each class.

Homework for next class:

1. Lab hour and reading log for WK2 will be due on Tuesday
--it should log WK2 reading and your time in the lab (i.e. 1/26-1/30)
--remember, those short of WK1 lab time can make it up in WK2
2. All six Writing Pieces should be turned into the Book Project Draft Writing Pieces forum in Canvas by class time (Writing Piece #5 and #6 may be new). They should be posted in Canvas by class time.

3. I urge you to start working on revising your draft writing pieces. (You can edit them right in Canvas, or edit them in your word processor and then edit the draft in Canvas.) Start preparing to turn in your completed Book Project on 2/4 (MW class) or 2/5 (TR classes).

Check our this example of a finished Book Project.

Class Announcement 1/27 TR class and 1/28 MW class

Note: TR and MW classes are not exactly in synch yet; assignments adjusted for MW class are in red. Otherwise, everything applies to both TR and MW clases.

Today's agenda:

  1. Start with our first journal and sharing.
  2. Turn in first logs (reading and lab), notebooks, and novels.
  3. Review what it means to be both "who you are" and "where you are" in college.
  4. Go to the computer classroom for the first time and turn in our writing pieces #1-3.

Always come to class; Always come prepared.

I expect you to bring your notebook and your novel to EVERY class.

About Our Journal

You will write a freewriting journal for 10 minutes a day, five days a week. One day we will journal together in class (so you will do it four days on your own).

Follow the guidelines for freewriting found on this web guide.

You should write the requirements and guidelines for the Journal down in your own notes and make this guide page the first page in your Journal section of your notebook.

Homework for next class (Thurs. or Mon.)

  1. Lab hour--log
  2. Reading (30 min./day five days a week--logging)
  3. Journal--10 min/day four days/week
  4. Read the Writing Pieces #1-3 of your peers some more in our Canvas section where they are posted.
  5. Write a draft of your Writing Piece #4.
    MW class only will also have Writing Piece #6 due as well.
    --these writing pieces need to be posted into Canvas in the "Book Project Draft Writing Pieces" forum by class time.
  6. Look at an example of a finished Book Project. That's where we will be on 2/4 or 2/5 when the Book Project is due.


Class Announcement 1/22 (TR class) and --MW class 1/26

The simple secret to being successful in college:

Always come to class. Always come to class prepared.


Today we will do three things:

  1. Share our Writing Piece #1s (while I do a quick notebook check)
  2. Review our class policies found in the syllabus: TR 8:50&10:50 classes and MW 8:50 class
  3. Go to the Library and check our your first book (the novel)

List of Teams for the Book Project!!!!

Homework due for next class (1/27 or 1/28):
(MW class homework is everything below but item #2 is adjusted in red.)

1) Re-read our Syllabus again and class policies. You really want to know the ground rules for the class.

2) Book Project Work: Write a draft of Writing Pieces #2 ("Where I Live") and #3 ("What Does Education Mean to Me?"). These drafts should be ready to turn in two ways--as a print copy and as an electronic copy on your USB memory stick. MW class already has written Writing Piece #2, so Writing Piece #3 is due for 1/28.

3) Start reading your novel!!!
--have your reading log ready to turn in showing that you have read AT LEAST three different days for at least 30 minutes. (See our hand out on Books in the INRW Frameworks handout I gave you for what the log looks like.

MISS CLASS?: Please follow these instructions for selecting and checking out your 1st Book from the library.

4) Complete your first ONE HOUR in the Developmental Lab by the end of the day on Friday (lab closes at 2 PM)
--have your lab log ready to turn in as well

In fact, put the lab log and reading log together on the same page.

Note: EVERY item listed in the homework is an "assignment" that I expect you to complete. As your attendance policy states, not having an assignment counts in terms of attendance. Missing or having three late assignments equals to one absence (and you can be dropped after four absences.)

I expect you to do ALL homework and have it ready to turn in AT CLASS TIME when it is due. Read this homework and follow instructions closely and exactly.



Homework (MW classes) due for M 1/26:

  1. Completely set up your notebook with all contents in order.
  2. Bring to class your USB memory stick
  3. Read through our syllabus
  4. Book Project--write Writing Piece #1 and Writing Piece #2. These pieces should be ready to turn in TWO ways
    --as a typed and saved document on your USB memory stick (in MSWord file format)
    --as a printed page

NOTE: Because of the Monday holiday, our MW and TR Class Announcements are out of synch. After this Monday, they should be all in synch.

Class Announcement 1/20 & 1/21

Welcome to INRW 0420.

View our syllabus:
TR 8:50&10:50 classes
MW 8:50 class

Diagnostic Essay

Homework (TR classes):

  1. Completely set up your notebook with all contents in order.
  2. Bring to class your USB memory stick
  3. Read through our syllabus (linked above)
  4. Book Project--write Writing Piece #1. This piece should be ready to turn in TWO ways
    --as a typed and saved document on your USB memory stick (in MSWord file format)
    --as a printed page

MW class homework adjustment applies to #3 only:
Book Project--write Writing Piece #1 and #2. This piece should be ready to turn in TWO ways
--as a typed and saved document on your USB memory stick (in MSWord file format)
--as a printed page






© Lennie Irvin 2013